Training will be your platform for success!
With over 25+ years of coaching experience, from youth to the collegiate level, I (Director Christian Doller) have seen how improper lacrosse technique and poor habit forming instruction can keep players off the field and never allow them to reach their fullest potential. Poor habits are tough to break once they are formed. Over time, I have developed training methods that correct poor habits; reinforce proper technique while developing strong sound skills.
Player-Centered Approach
One of the main principles while using a PCA approach is that the focus is on the player; not the coach and not the team. Each player will be trained and developed 1 hour per week over a 20 week period. During that 1 hour of training, your son’s target touch rate will be between 280-330 touches.
During an average practice, your son’s touch rate is in the 30-35 touch range. In reality, your son will get the same touch rate as 10 average practices in 1hr of our sessions. You can do the math, but over our 20 week training sessions utilizing PCA, your son can gain 6,600 touches
Player-Centered Advantages and Strategies
- Trainers create a season long training plan where training sessions build upon each other
- Progression of training sessions is logical, systematic, and easily replicated on a program scale
- Trainers and Coaches encourage players to be creative, try new techniques, and take risks without fear of failure
- Ultimately, the transfer of learning from the training field to the game is enhanced
- Playing time is relatively balanced, allowing all players the same opportunities to learn
- With all other variables being equal, such as application and dedication, players are given the fairest chance to develop at the same rate
- Teams are appropriately placed in tournament brackets to ensure they are challenged sufficiently
- Players experience sufficient success to ensure retention, while still encountering the consistent challenges necessary to improve
- Players are encouraged to measure success by self-referenced measures; being encouraged to set, and surpass their own individual targets
- A healthy sense of competition ensures all players experience both challenges and successes and have the same opportunity to maximize potential
- Parents allow the coaches to coach and the players to play, conveying one consistent message in a supportive, encouraging environment
- The main focus is on following to an established long term plan, regardless of short term outcomes
Player Development is the Goal of East Coast Elite Lacrosse
Player development and winning are often seen as two mutually exclusive concepts, with common perception being that one should be favored over the other. It is ECE position that if the former is approached correctly, then the latter will grow naturally.
Negative issues arise when the importance of winning is emphasized over that of player development. Focus is taken away from the evolution of the player and placed solely on the pursuit of positive “short-term” results.
ECE will foster an appropriate balance in this equation by employing a player-centered philosophy, as opposed to one which is solely results-orientated.
Winning is still an important outcome of ours, it is just not our only result desired. If too much emphasis is place on that “short-term” goal, trainers, coaches, parents and players lose sight of what’s most important, Player Development!
Multi-Move Philosophy
Too many trainers and coaches design drills with one direct objective, shoot the ball! East Coast Elite Lacrosse believes in using a “Multi-Move” philosophy. ECE will adopt this philosophy! Each drill, during your training sessions, will work on multiple skills within each repetition. For example, one shooting drill could work on, ground ball, cradle technique, stick positioning, stick protection, footwork, shooting mechanics, feeding mechanics and recovery.
Also, when using the Multi-Move approach, ECE will be working on your son’s speed, agility, strength and endurance.
This overall comprehensive philosophy can only be administered under the watchful eye of talented trainers/coaches, utilizing small groups, low down time, hundreds of balls, a good surface and favorable conditions. Our ECE trainers/coaches, equipment and private indoor facility will give you all of that!
“Don’t Train until you get it right…Train until you can’t get it wrong”
So why East Coast Elite Lacrosse?
- We are NOT following the same model as all the rest
- We understand the importance of player development
- Top tier training and coaching
- Family oriented program (local training, scheduling, season length)
- Access to exclusive camps, events and showcases
- Family friendly pricing (10% off total family bill with siblings in program)
- Huge Warrior Sponsorships
- Develop as a player for yourself, ECE and your home school
Please visit our East Coast Elite Lacrosse site and register for tryouts now…don’t miss out on Long Island’smost innovative travel lacrosse programs.
Contact with questions: Email:
Office Phone: (631)-576-6198
Thank you,
Christian Doller,
East Coast Elite Lacrosse
Director of Operations